Board Chairs Academy Topics

Six Critical Governance Leadership Areas

Board Chairs Academy delivers research findings, models, tools and content along with guest presentations on six key topics of nonprofit board leadership. Participants also learn from each other in this highly interactive program.

As we look to 2025, we believe the landscape for the nonprofit sector will be changing. In order for Third Sector Company and our team to have the capacity needed to respond to our core focus of leadership continuity solutions across the sector, we have chosen to discontinue the six Board Chairs Academy Learning Labs for 2025.

You and your nonprofit, however, can still benefit from our gold-standard board learning program by arranging for one or more of the Learning Labs to be conducted privately, online or inperson, for your organization on a schedule that works for you. 

If you would like more information about Board Chairs Academy, please contact Randy Brinson at [email protected]


Governance as Stewardship: The Art of Governing a Community Cause

This Learning Lab explores the attributes of governance as it relates specifically to the nonprofit business model. Participants are challenged to recognize the leadership needs of cause-related organizations and the responsibilities of board members to advance effective decision-making on behalf of mission-driven enterprises. Discussions include the role of values in leadership, the unique elements of nonprofit boards, nonprofit management versus nonprofit leadership, and the nonprofit business model.

The ABCs of Developing a Nonprofit Board: Evolving a Board to Its Potential

Governing an evolving organization requires an evolving board of directors. This Learning Lab will provide an overview of how to develop a dynamic board of directors with an evolving focus on diversity, inclusion, equity, and access. Discussions include the evolution of board development as an element of governance responsibilities, board assessments against an organizational picture of success, board recruitment strategies, board orientation, and effective board meetings.


The Board & Executive Relationship: A Leveraged Partnership in Service to Others

The relationship that a board has with its chief executive officer sets the tone for understanding the dynamic that exists between governance and management in a nonprofit organization. This Learning Lab will present recommendations for performance planning and accountability throughout the organization, evaluating the chief executive, executive compensation, and succession planning practices and policies.

Leadership Succession Planning: Assuring a Continuity of Leadership for Your Organization

Assuring a continuity of leadership is one of the most important forms of resource development for a nonprofit organization’s sustainable future. This Learning Lab offers the hallmark presentation of the mission statement of Third Sector Company. Board members and executive staff will be provided tools for cultivating a culture of leadership continuity and succession planning with a focus on evolving diversity, inclusion, equity, and access.


The Board & Fundraising: Building Community Equity for Sustainable Impact

Sustainable resource development is the product of a fundraising culture. This Learning Lab challenges participants to analyze their current fundraising cultures and discuss a board’s responsibilities for creating and edifying a successful resource development environment. The program will include a fundraising assessment, fundraising myths and laws, a marketing-based approach to resource development, and creation of action plans.

Cultivating a Generative Board: Facilitating a Culture of Evolution & Innovation

This Learning Lab centers on a discussion about the attributes of a strategic organization, which is the result of strategic governance in action. We will advocate for the development of a nonprofit dashboard, analysis of organizational effectiveness against mission and stated benchmarks of success, board member roles in assuring a strategic organizational culture, and steps to avoid backsliding into managing operations and minutia.
